Write for Go World Travel

Travel Writing Submission Guidelines

Content marketers, please note – this page is for freelance writers/journalists. If you are working with a brand, please contact us here

Travel Writer Guidelines

Go World Travel contributors come in all shapes and sizes, from seasoned travel journalists to first-time writers or even videographers. All have two things in common – a love of travel and the ability to write well.

Article Topics

Before submitting your story, please have a look at Go World Travel Magazine to see what we have already covered. We’re looking for new ideas, angles and experiences in popular destinations, as well as lesser-known destinations and unique adventures.

We want to know more than how to get to a place or what to do there. Tell us about the people who call this destination home, the treasured regional customs, or the places where locals hang out.

We want to smell the aromas, taste the food, explore the streets and walk down hidden paths. Go World Travel aims to help our readers experience a destination.

We also accept journalistic reporting on evergreen travel trends and tips.

We’re looking for honest, down-to-earth descriptive writing. We’re not interested in a laundry list of things you saw and did; rather, we look for vivid descriptions, lively anecdotes and straightforward language that shows a sense of curiosity and interest in the destination.

We are looking for first-person narratives from people with firsthand experience of a destination.

Go World Travel is written from an international perspective. Our readers are travel lovers from North America, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and around the globe.

Travel Article Style & Length

When writing your article, please review our Editorial Guidelines. This will provide a clear guide to what we look for in an article.

We accept articles from 850 to 1,600 words in length. First-person writing often provides the best insight but should be written in a professional manner.

We consider completed submissions.

Photos for Your Travel Article

Articles in GoWorldTravel.com are visually appealing and include six to eight photos. If you have photos to accompany your work, please let us know. There will be an opportunity to submit your photos if your story is accepted.

Where to Send Travel Article Submissions:

All editorial submissions can be sent to [email protected]. Please put the story title and destination in the subject line.


Writers, please don’t forget to add your name, address, email, and author bio to your submission (in the document itself, not just your email). Please let us know if your piece has been published elsewhere.

If you are a new author to Go World Travel, please also include links to examples of your previous work and any social profiles you have.

Payment: We purchase non-exclusive online rights. Payment is $30 to $40 per story/photo essay upon publication.

Although we wish we could reply to every submission, we are a small team and unable to do so. We will contact you if your submission fits our editorial needs. Thank you for your interest in Go World Travel Magazine.